Children Need A Caring Adult in Their Lives
Childhood can be a full of fun, joy and freedom. Adults often look back and long for the "happy old days". However for many children today, childhood is full of uncertainty, grief and upset. Many of our children have to face the pain of such difficult things as parents divorcing or separating, illness in the family, death of a loved one, loss of home, deployment of a parent or sibling, loss of trust or innocence, domestic violence, addiction in the home, incarceration of a parent and so much more. Now more than ever, our children need adults who see them, listen to them, and take an real interest in them and their lives. What are the things most important to them now? What are they passionate about? What do they love spending their free time doing? What can we do to help children through such difficult times? Research shows us time and again that one of the most important keys to resilience in a child's life is a caring adult. Really try to listen to children, acknowle...